
May 2019

Note Factor investing in fixed-income: EDHEC-Risk Institute paper shows that it is possible to build duration-timing strategies that are economically superior to bearing unconditional duration risk

The abundance of theoretical and empirical research on factor investing in the equity universe contrasts strongly with the relative scarcity of research on the existence and exploitability of risk premia in bond (...)


An alternative to traditional Euro Credit Management: a Smart Beta Credit approach incorporating ESG criteria


Solactive launches the Adaptive Wealth Strategies U.S. Factor Index combining three strategies in one index


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April 2013

Interview Philip Tindall : « We see further development of non-market cap approaches in bonds »

According to Philip Tindall, senior investment consultant at Towers Watson, there has been a lot of interest in smart betas area, and investors are beginning to allocate assets - Towers Watson’s clients have invested more than (...)

April 2013

Opinion Jean-Claude Guimiot : « There is no ’Smart Beta’ strategy within our asset allocation program »

According to Jean-Claude Guimiot, CEO of AGRICA EPARGNE (asset management company of the Group AGRICA), invest in "Smart Beta" index is not on the agenda ...

April 2013

Pedagogy BNP Paribas L1 Equity World Low Volatility

The Fund BNP Paribas L1 Equity World Low Volatility seeks to outperform the MSCI World Index over a full market cycle with risk reduction objective and limiting tracking error risk level. Absolute volatility is targeted to be lower than the MSCI World (...)

April 2013

Strategy How Smart is ‘Smart Beta’ Investing?

Investors increasingly embrace “smart beta” investing, by which we mean passively following an index in which stock weights are not proportional to their market capitalizations, but based on some alternative weighting scheme. Examples include fundamentally-weighted indices (...)

April 2013

Note Smart Beta 2.0 – Taking the risks of new equity benchmarks into account

In research published two weeks ago entitled, “Smart Beta 2.0,” EDHEC-Risk Institute is seeking to draw the attention of investors to the risks of traditional smart beta equity indices and propose a new approach to smart beta investing to take account of these (...)

April 2013

Interview François Millet: « In some Dutch pension funds, ’Smart Beta’ indices exceed 40% of their core portfolio »

According to François Millet, Product Line Manager ETF & Indexing at Lyxor Asset Management, "Smart Beta" is intended to be located in the core portfolio of institutional investors, weighing generally between 10% and 40% of their passive (...)

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Note Smart Beta 2.0 – Taking the risks of new equity benchmarks into account

In research published two weeks ago entitled, “Smart Beta 2.0,” EDHEC-Risk Institute is seeking to draw the attention of investors to the risks of traditional smart beta equity indices and propose a new approach to smart beta investing to take account of these (...)


Strategy Does a liquidity factor premium exist in the stock market?

Academic studies present ample evidence in support of the existence of four factor premiums in stock markets: Low Risk, Value, Momentum, and Quality. Factor investing puts these concepts into practice by enabling investors to allocate their capital explicitly to these (...)


News Smart Beta: THEAM renames one of its low-volatility funds

THEAM has just renamed its smart beta BNPP L1 Equity World Low Volatility fund Parvest Equity World Low Volatility. The fund’s strategy and portfolio management team remain unchanged...


News Amundi extends its Smart Beta and Factor Investing range with a new Dynamic Multi Factor Allocation process

Amundi launches a dynamic multi factor equity range within its Luxembourg international flagship Amundi Funds SICAV: “Amundi Funds Dynamic Multi Factors Euro Equity”, “Amundi Funds Dynamic Multi Factors Europe Equity” and “Amundi Funds Dynamic Multi Factors Global (...)


News ETFGI reports assets invested in Smart Beta equity ETFs/ETPs listed globally have increased 18.3% in 2017 to reach a new record of US$630 Bn at the end of August

ETFGI, a leading independent research and consultancy firm on trends in the global ETF/ETP ecosystem, reported today that assets invested in Smart Beta equity ETFs/ETPs listed globally have increased 18.3% in the first 8 months of the (...)


Innovation Solactive expands family of USD High Yield Corporates Indices used as the basis for three new Xtrackers ETFs

Solactive is adding three new indices to its family of high yield corporate bond indices, which have been developed as the basis for three new Xtrackers ETFs issued this week and trading on the NYSE.


Strategy Value, the obvious factor

All famous investors from Benjamin Graham to Warren Buffet have, first and foremost, been fervent advocates of value investing. Value can be assessed in very diverse ways and value investing can also suffer from some drawbacks. Here are a few pointers for understanding value (...)


Opinion Smart Betas offer a new approach to bridge market bias

When Alan Greenspan spoke of "market exuberance" (i.e. the lightning-fast mood swings from optimism to an investment bubble popping) wasn’t he referring to what we could call a "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" syndrome?


Innovation Solactive launches Stable Income Europe Index

The index targets investors interested in a smart beta concept that puts more emphasis on the role played by free cash flow yield, aside from tilting composition towards high dividend and low volatility shares. Specifically, free cash flows are typically used to provide an (...)


Strategy How does ‘quantamental’ fit with factor investing?

‘Quantamental’ is a relatively new portmanteau word in asset management lingo. Its creation is indicative of a trend in our industry. Quantamental is the fruit of the marriage of the quantitative and fundamental (also known as judgmental) disciplines in managing (...)


Note Diversity wins : Persistent investor interest in smart beta, particularly within diversifying strategies

Willis Towers Watson’s institutional investment clients globally allocated $10bn, via 175 selections, to diversifying investment strategies in 2015. Within this grouping, liquid alternatives attracted the most interest with over $8.1bn, of which approximately half is in smart (...)


Note Building Minimum Variance Portfolios with low risk, low drawdowns and strong returns

This paper provides an introduction to the STOXX Minimum Variance Indices and aims to achieve three things : i) an overview of minimum variance investing ii) the methodology for the construction and maintenance of the STOXX Minimum Variance Indices, highlighting the unique (...)


News ETFGI reports assets invested in Smart Beta equity ETFs/ETPs listed globally have increased 18.3% in 2017 to reach a new record of US$630 Bn at the end of August

ETFGI reported today that assets invested in Smart Beta equity ETFs/ETPs listed globally have increased 18.3% in the first 8 months of the year, reaching a new record of US$630 Bn at the end of August 2017...


Strategy Why is smart beta a true revolution?

So what is “smart beta”? A mere revolt against traditional indices? No, Sir, it’s a true revolution – the factor investing revolution. The questioning of allegiance to traditional indices, which until now were used broadly despite some serious drawbacks, has only just begun, but (...)


Strategy “Diversified Equity Factor Investing” combines four complementary factors that are loosely correlated with one another

Based on factor investment, this innovative approach capitalises on the attractive performances thus far of smart beta strategies. It is based on the combination, within the same portfolio, of four complementary factors that are loosely correlated with one another: Quality, (...)


Interview Isabelle Bourcier : “Our ambitions is to grow in Smart Beta and SRI ETFs”

Evolution of the ETF market, impact of the regulations, ongoing development at BNP Paribas Asset Management...Isabelle Bourcier, Head of quantitative and index management at BNP Paribas Asset Management shares its view with (...)

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