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April 2023

Interview Emmanuel Brutin : “We have chosen to move towards a 100% ESG allocation”

Emmanuel Brutin, Head of Insured Portfolio Management at CNP Assurances, indicates that over the course of 2022, the insurer has repositioned itself on bond products in order to benefit from the upward trend in interest (...)


Tammie Tang and Simon Bond : “Investors in the fund are those interested in enabling positive social outcomes”


Carole Zacchéo : “The war will strengthen the interest of investors and savers for the ESG theme”


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October 2016

Interview Michel Manteau : « We have mainly chosen minimum variance strategies because we seek to reduce the volatility of our equity portfolio »

Michel Manteau, head of portfolio management at CARMF (« Caisse Autonome de Retraite des Médecins de France »), the retirement institution for french doctors tells us more about Smart Beta strategies.

October 2016

Interview George Szemere : "Our investment process leads us to include 25-40 different risk premia in the portfolio"

According to George Szemere, Head of Global Strategic Relations & Liquid Alternatives, Columbia Threadneedle, there is a growing understanding that extracting returns from a traditional asset-allocation mix is going to be (...)

September 2016

Interview Antoine Prudent : « InPact Advisory is currently conducting a mission for 5 large Swiss institutional investors willing to invest in an Alternative Risk Premia strategy »

According to Antoine Prudent, founding partner of InPact Advisory, the advantage of Risk Premia products is also to reduce costs compared to the usual pricing for alternative products…

September 2016

Interview Baptiste Buisson : « We consider increasing the size of this type of investment (Absolute Performance UCITS) in the coming quarters »

According to Baptiste Buisson, Deputy Director at Aviva France, Investing in this type of support like Alternative Risk Premia allows players like Aviva France to diversify our investments.

July 2016

Interview Christian Carrega: "Today, we look at all the asset classes under SRI prism"

According to Christian Carrega, CEO of Préfon, despite the actual fad, looking at all the asset classes under a prism ISR is an additional way to provide security for our affiliate investments.

July 2016

Interview Philippe Desfosses : "Since inception, the board of ERAFP has decided to put in place a 100% ISR investment policy"

"This is why we are also very committed against global warming" said Philippe Desfossés, director at ERAFP.

May 2016

Interview Caroline Le Meaux Lambert : « We are looking for strategies able to benefit from upward equity trends while limiting volatility »

Caroline Le Meaux Lambert, head of delegated asset management at Caisse des Dépôts for the French public pension fund Ircantec, tells us a little more about the Smart Beta concept.

April 2016

Interview Pierre Richert : « It is important to enhance transparency, performance attribution and especially regulation for quant funds »

Pierre Richert, Agrica CFO – mutual company dedicated to the agriculture sector – still does not invest in quant funds. He considers necessary to enhance transparency, performance attribution and especially regulation for this kind of (...)

April 2016

Interview Donald A. Steinbrugge : « A new CTA fund must have a strong differential advantage to have any chance of competing in the institutional market place. »

Donald A. Steinbrugge, managing partner at Agecroft Partners – US third party marketing firm specialized in hedge funds - gave us information regarding demand from institutional investors for CTAs

July 2015

Interview Yves Chevalier: "The FRR aims to decarbonise the majority of its equity indices portfolios"

According to Yves Chevalier, Executive Board member of the "Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites - FRR", the fund aims to decarbonise almost all of its equity index portfolios. Currently, its outstanding assets involved in decarbonization are estimated at about 1.1 billion (...)

July 2015

Interview Olivier Pleasant : "With Ecofi Enjeux Futurs, we want to invest in growth over the next decades"

According to Ecofi Investments "Meeting the actual needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" is the challenge of sustainable development, and the philosophy that we wanted to use when we set up this (...)

March 2015

Interview Malik Haddouk : « In fixed income we are focusing in the short term on exposure to long maturities »

In fixed income, Malik Haddouk, Head of Balanced Management at CPR Asset Management and his team are focusing in the short term on exposure to long maturities (> 10 years), which are likely to get a boost from quantitative easing and weak (...)

March 2015

Interview Nadia Grant: "US stocks are attractively valued in relation to other markets"

As the Nasdaq broke the 5,000 mark for the first time since 2000, Nadia Grant, US equities fund manager at Threadneedle Investments, explains in the Q&A why she believes that US stocks are attractively valued in relation to other markets and why they will gain support (...)

December 2014

Interview Yves Choueifaty : "Our Smart Beta strategy is designed to maximize diversification of any given investment universe"

According to Yves Choueifaty, Founder and President of TOBAM, The main advantage of the TOBAM’s Anti-US Credit Benchmark® is to build a portfolio without "bias" towards highly indebted issuers or those belonging to a particular (...)

February 2014

Interview Jad Comair : « We have much more interesting entry points to our dividend Futures strategies than those of our competitors in other asset classes »

Spin-off of the trading department of Société Générale, Jad Comair and his team have created Melanion Capital in order to provide investors with a new source of return on an innovative asset class , dividend Futures.

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Interview Sabine Castellan Poquet : “To respect the ’Paris Agreements’, we will have to achieve carbon neutrality of our portfolios by 2050 at the latest”

According to Sabine Castellan Poquet, Investment Director Macif - Aema group, interest rise increase, a consequence of this resurgence of inflation, is rather positive for life insurers who are structural bond (...)


Interview Françoise Neige and Aurélie Jaclot : « a major cultural change encourages women to manage their own wealth »

Be a bank that is committed to women is the goal of Pictet, the Swiss bank, which has launched an offer of wealth management dedicated specifically to women.


Interview Pieter Entius : « Eurex Market-on-Close (MOC) delivers a listed solution for basis trading »

Higher efficiency and less risk - Eurex Market-on-Close Futures are designed to deliver multiple benefits to a market that has so far been dominated by OTC trading. Pieter Entius, Head of Trading at Flow Traders, shares his insights what are the key drivers and benefits from (...)


Interview Philippe Mills : « This year, half of the net buyers of French debt come from Asia and the Middle East »

What is the role of the French Treasury Agency (AFT)? Who holds the French debt? How are OAT and BTF issues conducted? Philip Mills, CEO of the French Treasury Agency answers Next Finance questions...


Interview Baptiste Buisson : « We consider increasing the size of this type of investment (Absolute Performance UCITS) in the coming quarters »

According to Baptiste Buisson, Deputy Director at Aviva France, Investing in this type of support like Alternative Risk Premia allows players like Aviva France to diversify our investments.


Interview Bertrand Desportes, Mazars Partner: “Impact finance is based on the pillars of intentionality, additionality and impact measurement”

According to Bertrand Desportes, Partner at Mazars, the issues surrounding impact as well as the notion of positive impact measurement quite clearly differentiate impact finance from other sustainable finance practices.


Interview Jean-Philippe Médecin : “Solvency II did not lead to a significant decline in our equity exposures”

Jean-Philippe Médecin, funding and asset-liability management director within the CNP Assurances investment department and its team are increasingly integrating hedges to limit the effects of market drawdowns…


Interview Ryan Blute : “more than 90 percent of our assets managed on behalf of our European clients having outperformed their benchmark”

PIMCO sees opportunities in the French CGP market. Traditionally oriented towards institutions, the management company seems to adopt a new positioning. Ryan Blute, Head of Global Wealth Management EMEA at PIMCO explains this strategy on the French market (...)


Interview Kevin Loo : «The FF Global Strategic Bond Fund has received a growing interest from investors wanting to overcome the benchmark related risks.»

Flexible asset allocation process, strategic and tactical allocation...Kevin Loo, Global Fixed Income Product Manager at Fidelity tells us about the operation and objectives of the FF Global Strategic Bond Fund...


Interview Dr Damiano Brigo: «Hybrid products and models will become paramount in the immediate future»

Interview with Dr Damiano Brigo, Head of Credit Models at Banca IMI in Milan and co-author of the best-seller « Interest-Rate Models: Theory and Practice ».


Interview Jad Comair : « We have much more interesting entry points to our dividend Futures strategies than those of our competitors in other asset classes »

Spin-off of the trading department of Société Générale, Jad Comair and his team have created Melanion Capital in order to provide investors with a new source of return on an innovative asset class , dividend Futures.


Interview Thaddée Tyl : « I would invest in an entrepreneurial management company rather than a fund owned by a large group!»

Thaddée Tyl, president of Rivoli Fund Management, is strongly advocating entrepreneurial management firms as they show more management team stability...


Interview Loïc Guilloux: «The IPD is the only vehicle to take a short position on the housing market»»

Swaps and dérivatives on real estate, what are the prospects of this new market ? The Merryl Lynch Managing Director Loic Guilloux, head of Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities in France, provides answers...


Interview Nassim Taleb « portfolio theory: it’s a bit what astrology was to our ancestors »

Empirica LLC founder and author of best seller Fooled by Randomness, Nassim Taleb, answered the questions of Next-finance in an exclusive interview.


Interview Olivier Pleasant : "With Ecofi Enjeux Futurs, we want to invest in growth over the next decades"

According to Ecofi Investments "Meeting the actual needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" is the challenge of sustainable development, and the philosophy that we wanted to use when we set up this (...)


Interview Isabelle Bourcier : “Our ambitions is to grow in Smart Beta and SRI ETFs”

Evolution of the ETF market, impact of the regulations, ongoing development at BNP Paribas Asset Management...Isabelle Bourcier, Head of quantitative and index management at BNP Paribas Asset Management shares its view with (...)

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FR Interview Christian Carrega : « Dans le cas du contrat d’assurance Préfon-Retraite, les décisions d’investissements respectent un filtre ISR »
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